So how did we get here?
grew from an idea and passion behind what really matters in life and the way it makes us feel. Tender Foot Jewels captures the pure essence and feeling behind a physical & emotional part in someone's life, by taking their items which represent their journey and hand crafting them into delicate jewelry and other pieces in which a person can hold onto forever. Our mission is to carry the legacy of Filipino heirloom jewelry well into the future.
to outstandingly change the way this concept of jewelry is seen and worn in the Philippines by establishing a professional service with heart and soul.
We place the utmost care and love into each piece we create, and treat them with respect and care for which they deserve.
Your story matters & should be captured with love.
to take pride in creating our own original concepts and designs, so majority of what you see in our range is a Tender Foot Jewels original design and concept beautiful jewelry and celebrating those special occasions by making memories